Friday, January 26, 2018


  • sensor pixel density sets a limit on the final output resolution of images captured with that sensor

  • most digital sensors are arranged in rectangular grid pattern,making certain images suspectible to moire pattern artifacts 

  • film is not affected my moire because of the random orientation of the silver salts in its emulsion, however the pattern of these silver salts may become visible upon enlargement creating the  patterns called "grain" in the final output
  • short noise,produced by spontaneous fluctuations in detected photo currents, degrades darker areas with electronic images with random variations of pixel colors and variation
  • traditional exposure metering and autofocus systems employ secondary sensors 

Friday, January 19, 2018

-Atmospheric conditions and proximity to towns and cities affect how many stars we see the stars and capture them with a camera sensor 

-To capture constellations and broad star fields requires nothing more than a SLR and tripod

-Set a high ISO of 1600,use a wide angle lens set to its largest aperture and set expose mode to manual

-Zoom right in on the screen,scroll around to find a star close to the center and gently rotate the focusing ring until its at its sharpest

-DSLRs will take you 30 seconds in manual exposure mode

-Using bulb mode allows you to hold the shutter open for as long as you want

-holding down the shutter button for minutes is uncomfortable and can lead to unwanted movement by the camera

-Shoot test shots and check and check the screen to get the composition you want 

-Take an exposure longer than 30 seconds with a wide-angle lens and you'll see that the stars cease to be points of light and start to become streaks